Sunday, April 17, 2011

Arts Explorer #9: Guerilla Art

To be a guerrilla artist you can create something – anything – that you would like to and post it around a city or community. The purpose is to try and have random people who you do not know to see your art and for it to have an effect on them in some way, shape or form.

For my own guerrilla art I decided to create something that I find extremely important to do every day, which is smile and laugh! Seeing random things around the city, such as street performers or signs or graffiti around the city can be inspiring, make you happy and perhaps, make you think. Here is my version if guerrilla art:

Guerilla Art
In my picture I have a few happy, uplifting phrases to hopefully boost the person’s day. And along with those phrases is a small happy face to go along with the cheerful mood!

I printed a few of these pictures and placed them in common places where I know people would go quite often around the city. I wanted them to be placed on spots and objects where people go or walk by often. Therefore, I placed one at the library, one on a car in a parking lot at the mall, one at the library and one on the mailbox by my house.

Car in parking lot.

Mailbox on street.

Mississauga Central Library

To catch someone’s reaction, I was at the grocery store and decided to place my guerrilla art within one of the aisles of the store. I stood around for a while and waited for someone to notice my art. Someone did notice it and actually smiled! While the lady was standing there looking at my art, she pointed at it and I snapped the photo. After she looked at it, she was really nice about it and asked me what it was for and why I had to do this. I proceeded to tell her it was for school and why I had to do this. She then told me it was actually a really nice thing to see while she was doing her grocery shopping.

I hope the lady whose picture I took went and told people she knew about what she had seen and hopefully it brightened up her day like I would have hoped it would.

In Loblaws

In Loblaws with reaction.

When doing this assignment I tried to think of something that would make people happy when they saw something posted that normally wouldn’t be seen on objects around the city. I know I’ve talked to people who have seen random stickers with a funny saying or even seeing balloons flying aimlessly in the air around the city, put a smile on people’s faces. Therefore, I just thought of something simple and easy to make that would be uplifting to someone, quick to read but also have an effect and make them smile! I know if I saw this posted on a wall or in a library I’d smile, and I hope it has the same effect on others too!

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